NASBA approves one-year extension to CPA Exam window

One year extension to CPA Exam!

The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) has made changes to its Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA) Model Rules, allowing states to give CPA candidates an additional year to complete the CPA Exam. Previously, candidates had 18 months to complete the Exam after passing the first section, but the amendment extends the timeframe to 30 months. This One year extension to CPA Exam aims to provide more flexibility for candidates seeking licensure as a CPA, as well as firms and candidates dealing with the demands of a complex career environment.

One year extension to CPA Exam

While action is required at the state level for the one year extension to CPA Exam to take effect, NASBA’s announcement is a positive step for future CPAs and the profession. The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants supports this change, stating that it better accommodates the conflicting demands many prospective CPA candidates face as they strive to balance work, family obligations, student loans, and career advancement.

The revamped CPA Exam format beginning in 2024 prompted the NASBA board of directors to include descriptive language in the amendment aimed at providing uniformity among jurisdictions on the timing of granting Exam credits. This change aims to curb the impact of any score delays. Additionally, the NASBA board continued discussions on a policy change that would provide relief for CPA Exam candidates who lost credits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UAA amendment is a result of a 60-day comment period that generated over 850 responses. The amendment provides an additional year of conditional credit to candidates for Exam sections passed, and it aims to support the best interests of the candidates in their journey to entering the profession.

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